Sclerotherapy of thread veins
Spider veins are extended, small, net-like or fan-shaped visible veins, lying directly in the epidermis. They are a form of varicose veins. Almost every second woman has them primarily in the legs, more rarely men. They are usually harmless, but often cosmetically disturbing.
The so-called “spider veins sclerotherapy” is performed using the method of micro-sclerotherapy. For this purpose, the drug used is Aethoxysklerol® (polidocanol). The aforementioned agent is sprayed with a fine needle into the vessel so that the inner walls of the undesirable veins stick together and get destroyed in the further course.
The duration of treatment is about 10 to 15 minutes; the pain here is minimal. Usually the intervention must be repeated 2 to 4 times about every 2 to 4 weeks. Approximately 80% of spider veins can hereby be successfully removed.
This treatment is not covered by all health insurance companies.