Occupational dermatology

Occupational dermatology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of work-related skin diseases (occupational dermatitis etc). The term occupational skin disease refers to a skin condition that is caused or exacerbated by occupational factors. In over 90% of cases these are eczema diseases, especially of the hands.

For the diagnosis of occupational skin diseases multiple allergy testing methods are available. The treatment of these occupational diseases entails local, UV- and possibly also systemic therapies.

On suspicion of occupational disease a dermatolocal report is created and then forwarded to the appropriate professional association. Aim is to prevent a deterioration of the skin condition by the introduction of preventive measures.

Skin cancer as an occupational disease.

Many peoples job includes working outdoors. Affected professionals include roofers, road builders and construction workers. These groups are not only in leisure but often in the profession “exposed” to solar radiation.

The UV radiation is currently considered a major risk factor for the development of skin cancer. Since January 1, 2015, certain forms of white skin cancer caused by solar radiation, are recognized as an occupational disease.

When indicated, we send an application for recognition of a case of occupational skin cancer to the appropriate professional association and guide you through the therapeutic process.